Data preparation

SSOF models are meant for clean, high-resolution, continuum-normalized spectra. These spectra should be stored in the StellarSpectraObservationFitting.GenericData and StellarSpectraObservationFitting.LSFData objects, which are used to ensure that all of the necessary information exists to optimize a SSOF model.

The functions for creating these objects from observation .fits files are currently outside of SSOF proper to keep unnecessary dependencies down, but you can see the reformat_spectra function in SSOFUtilities/init.jl (which flags low SNR observations and those with weird wavelength calibration as well as ) and NEID/init.jl for a script using it.

Once the data is collected, we recommend running StellarSpectraObservationFitting.process! to perform some data preprocessing.

process!(d; λ_thres=4000., min_snr=8, kwargs...)

Doing all of the data preprocessing, including continuum-fitting and masking of infinite points, anomalously snappy or high pixels, and low SNR edges.
